Brewery & Wine Waste
Brewery & Wine Waste
Brewery and Wine Waste Management
With over 20 years of working in WA’s premier wine region, Sandgroper Contracting has extensive expertise in the cartage and disposal of brewery and winery waste. We are available 24/7 to meet your waste management needs.
Partnering with WA’s largest waste facility, we have the capability and strong industry relationships to efficiently handle and transfer high volumes of brewery and winery waste.
With the largest fleet in WA, Sandgroper can move the biggest volumes at the most competitive rates, ensuring cost-effective waste management solutions.
Brewery & Wine Waste
Winery and Brewery Wastewater Management Solutions for Sustainable Operations
The management of winery wastewater is important to the business and environmental performance of a winery, and it can have ramifications for vineyards and grape production.
A sound approach to wastewater management will involve:
Improved wastewater management does not have to cost a lot. It may be as simple as beginning with better operations to reduce the wastage of grapes, juice and wine within the winery.
Something most craft brewers probably don’t think about when they begin production is what will happen to the effluent – the wastewater – that remains after the brewing process is complete. Craft brewers end up with an average of three gallons of wastewater for each gallon of beer produced – and this is far below the large brewery average of seven gallons wastewater per gallon of beer. Even so, the wastewater produced while making beer can be taxing to local water treatment facilities and can disturb surrounding ecosystems if it isn’t treated properly.
The effluent produced in beer-making typically contains high levels of suspended solids, mainly the yeasts, hops, other grains and sugars leftover after brewing. These solids can’t be broken down easily by water treatment plants, and they may consume too much oxygen in the process, throwing off the delicate balance of bacteria and microorganisms that sewage plants rely on. Brewing by-products may also be too acidic or caustic, which can cause further problems in treating the water.

Brewery & Wine Waste
Systems for Wastewater Treatment
When local communities realize that craft breweries are putting undue burdens on their water treatment systems, they often begin to require the breweries to treat their wastewater or to pay higher fees so that their waste can be accommodated responsibly. Breweries can prevent these consequences from occurring and can be good stewards of their local environment by putting systems in place to treat their wastewater before it reaches the local facilities.
Sandgroper Contracting are specialists in winery and brewery waste management. Call us for a free consultation.
service locations
We are servicing the entire South West and Great Southern regions

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Protect Your Property & Environment with Expert Waste Management
For reliable, eco-friendly liquid and hazardous waste solutions across South West and Great Southern WA. Contact us today for safe, compliant disposal backed by purpose-built equipment.
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